Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help


 /[NO]DANGLES –The script removes dangles (a dangle
is a line with an endpoint that is not connected to any other lines,
that is, it is not part of a closed area). In order to keep dangles,
use the /DANGLES qualifier. 
/[NO]CHAIN — When using /CHAIN (default), lines with
similar symbology or features are chained together, if they share
a common endpoint. This is useful for building line strings from small
line segments. For the lines not to be chained, use the /NOCHAIN qualifier. 
/[NO]CUT_SELF – When the input lines are overlapping,
use the /CUT_SELF (default) qualifier to segment the lines at the
intersection points. Elements are not cut when using /NOCUT_SELF.